I’m a transformational coach guiding emerging Black and Indigenous leaders of color to step into their full power and become the new guides of our movement towards liberation.

Hello! I’m
Geordee Mae.

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resource in our movement.


You are the greatest

When you fully embrace, trust, and love yourself, you can step into your power with love and freedom and confidence to lead the next generation of leaders in our movement.

We’re necessary pieces to our liberation.


1:1 coaching for emerging leaders to help center your healing journey as the catalyst to cultivate your identity and vision as a leader. By developing a deeper self-awareness, you will be in connection with yourself from all your experiences and start to choose with much more ease actions that align with your leadership vision.



Transformative Coaching for a small number of staff members in the same organization. Together, we’ll focus to work on individual staff members’ leadership goals as well as organizational-wide leadership development needs.



For new and emerging organizers looking to develop their skills and knowledge. We’ll focus on your specific areas of growth—from organizing skills, leadership development, campaign strategy to organizational leadership.

Consulting for Organizers



can work

how we

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Since my coaching I have shifted my mindset and practices of sustainability towards myself. A lot of my work asks me to build sustainable programs, movements, relationships yet it was not until I came to find Geordee as my coach that I understood the ways that I can give all of that back to myself. Being able to implement the teachings and compassion that Geordee taught me through coaching has transformed all my relationships. I am now watering myself just as often as I water others.

Jennifer Rojas /

Community Activist & Youth Organizer

Geordee is a grounded and caring coach. In our sessions, Geordee cultivated a feeling of spaciousness and calm, which made it possible for me to explore and honor challenging feelings and experiences with ease. She helped me tune into the various parts of myself, all of which have value and wisdom to offer me. With Geordee's help, I was able to surface solutions and ideas - often within the span of just one session - that have helped me grow and find my footing through a time of career transition.


Jocelyn Wong /

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Geordee is sharp, clear and compassionate. I led a leadership program that she was in several years ago and she was a stand out participant. Besides her evolved super-human emotional intelligence and gifted ability to relate to all types of people, she is unwaveringly for Black liberation. I can only think of a few API folks from this generation that are in the mode of the Yuri Kochiyamas and Pam Tau Lees of the world. Geordee will help you light your own fire of purpose (and teach you how to be a kick-butt organizer too)!

Destiny Coaching and Consulting

Damon Azali-Rojas /

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